Cultures Interactive e.V. |

Cultures Interactive e.V.

Cultures Interactive e.V., a registered non-profit association for violence prevention and intercultural education (CI), was founded in 2005 and works nationwide in educational, prevention and deradicalisation work. CI develops strategies and methods which enable effectively working with right-wing extremist and inhuman attitudes.

The methodological basis of our work is a civil society youth culture approach which we have developed for real-life based educational and prevention work with youth from every milieu. The history and background of youth cultures and media such as Hip-Hop, techno, skateboarding, parcours, punk, emo, goth, riot grrrls, heavy metal, indie, rock and comics, video, photography, radio and graphic design are connected with political education aspects such as team building, empowerment, participation, conflict management, the prevention of right-wing extremism, democratic education, group-focused enmity (GFE) and anti-racist and intersectional approaches. Socio-therapeutic group work is an important third aspect of the civil society youth culture approach. Within a safe environment, the youth discuss their real-life biographical experience and plans, work on showing appreciation and practising communication skills and also reflect on prejudice and impulses towards exclusion.

We basically have three main objectives:

(1) Work preventatively and prepare for interventions: Our target group are youth whose lives have been shaped by inhuman ideologies and violence and are growing up in an undemocratic environment. With our process-oriented work we enable these adolescents to change their perspective and attitudes. We use this for school project days (“CI mobile”), training programmes (“Fair Skills”, “KlassikClubCultures”) and tailored workshops for open youth work.

(2) Build skills: Social space oriented concepts strengthen youth work and civil society in structurally weak regions. We have developed integrated approaches to provide the opportunity for children and youth to become involved in democratic participation as well as to open a youth-friendly opportunity to shape the community. This combines right-wing extremism and violence prevention social space network building (“KulturRäume2010″). In the current pilot project “Hako_reJu” we are testing a concept for dealing with right-wing extremist oriented youth in open youth work in rural regions. In addition, the project offers training and further training for youth workers on the following topics: right-wing extremism prevention and intervention, incidents of group-focused enmity, gender-specific approaches, democratic education, imparting social and human-rights based skills as well as civil society youth culture work.

(3) Bringing knowledge together – enabling further development: in order to realise our vision for professional human rights and youth culture work on a larger scale, we participate in (inter)national expertise exchange on prevention, regional development and deradicalisation (e.g., BIKnetz, RAN Network of the EU Commission, OSZE, among others).



cultures interactive e.V.
Verein zur interkulturellen
Bildung und Gewaltprävention

Mainzer Straße 11
12053 Berlin

Fon: +49 030 – 60 40 19 50
Fax: +49 030 – 60 40 19 46
