Further training | womex.org

Further training

As a part of WomEx, further training for pedagogic skilled personnel and multipliers has been developed and tested. A one to two-day workshop format has been created which is aimed at different target groups:

Project HaKo_reJu


As part of the cultures interactive e.V. project HaKo_reJu, a further training module has been developed and repeatedly tested. The target groups for the training are pedagogic skilled personnel from open and outreach youth work, school social work, the youth welfare office, etc.   Addressing gender in rural areas. Gender-reflective approaches to ideas about masculinity and femininity when working with youth vulnerable to right-wing extremism.

Thüringer Bildungsbausteine

A building block on the topic of gender competence in right-wing extremism has been developed and tested as part of the Thuringia state programme for democracy, tolerance and openness The one-day seminar covers gender-specific aspects for the perception and processing of right-wing extremist tendencies. This includes the following topics:

  • Addressing gender in connection with right-wing extremism: Gender-specific aspects for turning to and participating in right-wing extremist scenes, numerical distribution of men and women with open links to the scene, camaraderies, parties. Gender-specific roll division in connection with right-wing extremism. “Real men, faithful women, national warriors?” Offers providing a sense of identification, belonging and adventure for boys and girls currently involved in right-wing extremism.
  • Gender aspects in the context of right-wing extremist ideology: The Volksgemeinschaft (the community of people) as the main basis for a traditional preconceptions of roles. The ideological struggle against strategies for gender equality between men and women (anti-gender mainstreaming campaigns) and against the acceptance of homosexuality.
  • Gender-specific focus by right-wing extremist men and women: women are often overlooked as right-wing extremist players. However, they are often strategically placed in various areas, such as debates on sexual abuse / paedophilia, family security, environmental protection / homeland security, education, nursery schools, schools, social work and community work.
  • Gender-specific approaches for prevention and intervention when dealing with (young) women and men oriented or vulnerable to right-wing extremism.

WomEx training

In May, 2014, as part of WomEx, a block seminar for social work students was offered for the first time at the University for Applied Sciences in Frankfurt am Main. The name of the three-day seminar was: Gender-focused practical approaches in prevention and working with right-wing extremist oriented youth and clients in social work.
