Examples of good practice (projects / initiatives / approaches) in different fields of work:
Counselling and training Prison Open and outreach youth work Family-oriented support Anti-violence training Community-oriented approaches Exit support with gender-specific experience Counselling and training- ARUG Frauen und Rechtsextremismus further training and professional exchange / raise awareness about women in right-wing extremism Homepage
- cultures interactive e.V. Hako_reJu_ training module for gender and right-wing extremism / professional support / coaching for communities and youth workers, further training for social work students and nursery school staff more
- dissens e.V. training and further education for schools and youth work / programme offers for youth / explore personal role models and role models in society more
- Fachstelle Gender und Rechtsextremismus training and professional exchange / raise awareness about women in right-wing extremism / explore neo-Nazi role models Homepage
- Mut vor Ort pilot project for providing further training and advising to youth centres / explore neo-Nazi role models more
- Rollenwechsel pilot project from Miteinander e.V. / exploring gender role models more
- Violence Prevention Network e.V. “Abschied von Hass und Gewalt” (farewell to hate and violence) – training: exploring images of masculinity in the context of violent right-wing extremism and Islamic fundamentalism is part of the training Homepage
Open an outreach youth work
- cultures interactive e.V. training courses, project days and workshops for young people / gender-reflective youth culture programme offers / target group-specific approach for schools, youth work and youth services more
- dissens e.V. programmes and services for youth to strengthen alternative role models for masculinity and femininity more
- Heroes project from Strohhalm e.V. / multiplier training for young men in order to, among other things, promote equality and fight against oppression in the name of honour in peer-to-peer workshops at schools Homepage
- Gangway e.V. streetwork with right-wing oriented youth and others in Berlin Homepage
- Vaja e.V. streetwork with right-wing oriented youth and others in Bremen. Team “recl” work with right-wing extremist cliques Homepage
Family-oriented support
- pad e.V.: Projekt “Eltern stärken” support for parents of right-wing extremist children / organise self-help groups / consulting and further training for family support workers on how to handle right-wing extremist parents more
- Lidice Haus counsel and accompany parents of right-wing extremist children / consulting for youth centres more
- REXEL raise awareness about right-wing extremist parents, training offers in prison for right-wing extremist parents more
Anti-violence training _ which specifically focus on girls and / or reflect on gender roles in the context of violent behaviour
- Institut für genderreflektierte Gewaltprävention (IfGG) TESYA (Training Empowerment Support Youth and Adults) systemic solution-oriented anti-violence training for children, youth and young adults more
- Denkzeit training and programmes against violence, delinquency and disturbed behaviour, Berlin more
- iMMA e.V. “Cool for life” anti-violence training / EU project “girls using violence” / ZORA – open youth work for girls / residential and non-residential services, Munich more
Community-oriented approaches
- Aufbruch Neukölln fathers group moderated by psychologists / explore masculinity and violence Homepage
- Kitab von Vaja e.V. advice centre for parents and educators concerning militant Islamic movements Homepage
- Kulturbüro Sachsen e.V. mobile counselling team (MBT) / expert coaching for youth services / foster democratic participation in the community Homepage
- Lola für Lulu project in connection with the specialist department “Gender und Rechtsextremismus” (gender and right-wing extremism) / counselling and training for parents, nursery school staff, etc. / seek to strengthen local female civic actors in the Ludwigslust district (Lulu) Homepage
Exit support with gender-specific experience
- ARUG Ausstiegshilfe Braunschweig / Lower Saxony
- JUMP CJD Waren (Müritz) / social space-oriented exit-support work Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Homepage
- (R)auswege exit support / Rheinland-Palatinate Homepage
- Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft “Ausstieg zum Einstieg” e.V. (BAG Ausstiegsarbeit) Federal Association exit-support work Homepage